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Project English III. - 2. section - výsledek testu

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Test-PE III. - 2. section

Kate likes dancing and horse riding.

John likes swimming and cycling.

Fred likes running and roller-skating.

Emma likes canoeing and water-skiing.

Bill likes walking and boxing.


wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck, knee, ankle,

waist, hips, heel


Raise, above                help, `d like, a, pair, of

Hold, straight                 measurement, inches,

Rotate, at                          continental, centimeters,

Stand, behind                Here, try, on, long, sleeved,

Touch, with                     What, collar, take, 38,

woolen, chest, measure,

repainting                        like, thick, fit


packing                            shampoo

opening                            needle and thread    

picking up                       toothbrush

straightening                 saucepan

eating                                 washing powder

helping                              scissors

cleaning towel              towel

replacing                         sleeping bag

